Environmental consultant for investors, architects, engineers, lawyers, and industry on environmental and sustainability issues, based in Vilnius.
Team leader and environmental expert with over 15 years’ experience in performing environmental impact assessments (EIA, SEA), Due Diligences and environmental consulting. Over 100 EIA and SEA and other assessments according to EU and international standards.
The main focus on energy and infrastructure projects, industry, waste management, as well urban development sector.
Experience with IFI funded projects: EU, EBRD, EIB, NIB, EC FWC in Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, Bulgaria. Working languages: English, Russian, Lithuanian.
Certified assessor and adviser for Lithuanian Sustainable Buildings Assessment System.
Bachelor’s in Environmental Engineering and M.Sc. Business Management.
Installation of 2 MW solar power park in Rokiskis district, Čedasų village. Natura 2000 significance assessment.
EDD of 2 sites for oil contaminated soil (waste) treatment activities (buyer). Sites assessment, IPPC permits review, environmental compliance review, environmental risk assessment and recommendations. Soil and wastewater samplings.
Construction of new glass processing plant, Fortu str. 5, Alytus. EIA screening.
Reconstruction of MADA shopping mall in Vilnius. EIA screening. https://citify.eu/lt/pc-mada-rekonstrukcija/
ESDD for Acquisition of 2 onshore wind parks (120 MW) and 1 solar park (78 MWp) in Lithuania. National environmental requirements, EIA, environmental obligations, monitoring review, compliance with EBRD PR review.
TDD for 100 MW onshore wind park in Lithuania (vendor). EIA, environmental obligations and permits review, environmental risk assessment. Construction permits review. Review technical aspects of the permits obtained and the permits required for construction and operation of the wind farm.
New gymnasium M. Marcinkevičiaus st. 72 Vilnius project. Noise modelling report preparation. https://citify.eu/lt/gimnazija-m-marcinkeviciaus-g/
Installation of 5 MW solar power park in Rokiskis district, Meldeikiu village. Natura 2000 significance assessment.
Installation of a 300 MW wind park in the municipality of Rietavas, Daugėda and Medingėnai eldership. Consultation on environmental and social requirements and permitting, EIA review.
Framework Agreement to Support EIB Advisory Services (EIBAS) Activities Inside and Outside EU-27 Lot 2 – Energy. Support on environmental and climate issues of JASPERS projects in the energy sector. Key Environmental expert. The main task of the expert: to review project documentation and assess the compliance with the SEA Directive, the EIA Directive, the Habitats and Birds Directives, the Water Framework Directive, the Industrial Emission Directive, the “do no significant harm (“DNSH”) principle of the EU Taxonomy Regulation, as well as the EC Technical guidance regarding climate proofing of infrastructure projects.
Construction of military container accommodation in Lithuania. Environmental Baseline Study (EBS) for the potential location used by NATO forces in accordance with Standardization Agreement 6500 “NATO Camp environmental File During NATO-LED Operations”.
Installation of 0,9 MW solar power park in Kalvarijos district, Kazlavo village and Installation of 5 MW solar power park in Rokiskis district, Meldeikiu village. Natura 2000 significance assessment.
Interreg VI-A Lithuania-Poland 2021-2027 Cross-border Cooperation Programme. The overall objective of the Programme is improving wellbeing of cross-border communities through cross-border cooperation and sustainable use of cultural and natural heritage of the Lithuania and Poland cross-border area. SEA screening procedures.
Waste prevention and management plans 2023-2027 for Telsiai and Alytus regions. SEA scoping and reports for regional plans.
Reusable items warehouse and education center (Circular Waste Management Centre) Algirdo st. 57A, Mazeikiai, construction project. EIA screening and public health assessment
Impact to public health assessment of Compound feed and premixes factory Minkovskių str. 63, Kaunas and the Mill with elevator Minkovskių str. 106, Kaunas.
Installation of a 4 MW solar power park in Jurgeliškių st. Aukštrakiai settlement, Šiauliai district. Natura 2000 significance assessment.
Environmental consultant for the project FI05-2021- 278/IVF006-TA Repurposing idle oil & gas wells in Ukraine (Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Dolyna) for direct geothermal heat extraction and carbon capture, usage, and storage.
Medical building with underground car storage, Savanorių str. 402, Kaunas city, new construction project, noise, and air emissions assessment.
Installation of a 2.7 MW solar power park in Jurgeliškių st. 5, Aukštrakiai settlement, Šiauliai district. Natura 2000 significance assessment.
Sports purpose building (athletics arena) Žirmūnų st. 1H design and construction in Vilnius, EIA screening. https://madeinvilnius.lt/verslas/statybos-vilniuje/vilnieciams-viesais-pristatomas-naujasis-zirmunu-lengvosios-atletikos-maniezo-projektas/
A complex of multi-functional residential, administrative, and commercial buildings with an underground parking lot at Lvivo st. 59, Vilnius project, EIA screening. https://releven.lt/projects/lvovo-59/
Sodium Sulfate discharge into the Baltic Sea study, environmental compliance support/ review in Baltic countries.
Environmental consultancy services for existing and planned pastry production in Lithuania.
Sports purpose building (ice arena), Jotvingių st. 1 Vilnius design and construction, EIA screening.
1,5 MW solar power plant in Joniškis district, Natura 2000 area. Full EIA
EIA screening for 4MW solar power plant in Kaišiadorys district.
SEA screening for Interreg Lithuania Russia (Kaliningrad) cross border cooperation 2021-2027 Programme.
Conversion of industrial area project tin Klaipeda old town (Memel town). Environmental assessment report including existing ambient air pollution assessment, noise pollution modelling. https://structum.lt/straipsnis/dalis-klaipedos-uosto-taps-gyvenamaja-zona-atskleista-kaip-atrodys-memelio-miestas-foto/
SEA screening for Interreg Lithuania Poland cross border cooperation 2021-2027 Programme. SEA procedures in Lithuania and Poland.
SEA for Lithuanian Fisheries Sector 2021-2027 Programme.
Modification of Siauliai hazardous waste landfill closure technology, EIA screening.
Natura 2000 significance assessment for Solar power plant in Joniškis district.
Consultancy services related to environmental and construction permitting aspects in Lithuania for SOEC Manufacturing Plant. Assessment of potential sites in Lithuania.
Environmental expert in environmental and social due diligence (buyer), 4 wind energy parks in Lithuania. Review and advising regarding environmental documents/ permits: existing EIA, impact to public health assessments, SPZ, biodiversity monitoring programmes and reports, environmental conditions.
Environmental and Social Assessment for EBRD Brownfield: Category B Project Kryvyi Rih Solid Waste Project, 51928, Ukraine. Environmental expert. Consultancy services to providing inputs to the Environmental and Social Assessment (ESIA) Report and Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP), including analysis of compliance with Best Available Techniques (BAT) for waste treatment under EU Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) 2010/75/EU within project.
EIA Screening and impact to public health assessment for new production plant of double glazing in Alytus.
EIA screening for construction of aircraft repair/ maintenance workshop in Šiauliai, Avacijos str. 5.
EDD for 2 poultry farming, 3 grain processing and fast food production objects during transaction process (buyer). Environmental conditions and obligations, sanitary protection zones, monitoring obligations, construction permits, risk identifications, waste management.
EIA screening, environmental permit for biodiesel production plant expansion. Planned production 80 000 t/a ethyl ester of fatty acids.
ESIA and FS review for category A project 5127-Gr.CF2 -Mariupol Solid Waste Project. ESIA scoping, Study and supporting documents for the new landfill and MRF. Preparation of Scoping, ESIA Study, Stakeholders Engagement Plan, Non-Technical Summary, Environmental and Social Action Plan, ESMP, EBRD PR compliance assessment report.
EIA screening for shopping center Pilaitės av. 42, Vilnius.
Team member performing Environmental Due Diligence during WtE company Fortum transaction process in Lithuania (vendor).
Grigeo Klaipeda environmental, HSE operational audit. Team member. An assessment of the plant's activities: wastewater treatment and discharge systems, technological process, identified sources of pollution (odour, ambient air and noise), performed risk assessment procedures, etc. The aim of audit - to identify and implement business process improvements that will ensure best environmental, occupational safety and health and operational process practices.
Lithuanian offshore wind park project in Baltic Sea. Preparation of technical specifications and scope of work for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).
Feasibility study development for thermo modernisation of public buildings in the city of Kamyanske. Key environmental expert. Environmental and Social Assessment of the Project, calculation of GHG with and without project, preparation of ESMP. Identification of any environmental and social risks that are associated with the Project and existing operations of City Council of Kamyanske, identification of potential past environmental liabilities which may affect the NEFCO (e.g. soil and ground water contamination, waste management because of past and present operations).
Vilnius Concert and Sports Hall, Rinktinės g. 1 reconstruction and rearrangement to congresses, conferences and cultural events project, EIA screening. Vilnius Concert and Sports Hall building complex, located at Rinktinės str. 1, Vilnius, is a unique place, positive for the activities of congress center and urban structure of the city, and the optimal accessibility of the object in terms of cultural and natural environment, events security and service.
Construction of biofuel CHP in Alytus (2,5 MWe and 12,5 MWth) and reconstruction project of Jonava DH boiler house – new biofuel CHP (2,5 MWe and 8,5 MWth). EIA screening: air emissions and noise evaluation.
Environmental Study: Evaluation of possible impacts to the territory, flora, fauna and Neris river hydrological changes related to the implementation of the Rail Baltica bridge with two piers in Neris river bed (Natura 2000 territory). Project coordinator, environmental expert. The study included site biodiversity investigation and hydrological modelling management plan, site biodiversity investigations and inventory (fish, mamals, insects, flora), hydrological modelling, identification of key environmental impacts during bridge construction and operation stages, impact mitigation measures.
Mazeikiai district heating special plan, SEA screening.
New automotive electronics component’s factory in Kaunas. Preparation of EIA Screening, application for pollution permit. Environmental consulting services during the launch of new plant.
EIA screening for the new warehouse building in Vilnius, Lentvario str.
EIA screening for the new warehouse building in Vilnius, Sodybu str.
Support to the preparation of the rehabilitation of the district heating system in the city of Kremenchuk and Kamianske in Ukraine – TA 2018025 UA NIF. The main tasks of the project are reparation of baseline study, feasibility study, ESIA, financial and economic analysis, technical and economic substantiation study. Key Environmental expert. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment evaluates a project's potential environmental risks and impacts in its area of influence; examines project alternatives; identifies ways of improving project selection, siting, planning, design, and implementation by preventing, minimizing, mitigating, or compensating for adverse environmental impacts and enhancing positive impacts; and includes the process of mitigating and managing adverse environmental impacts throughout project implementation.
Environmental and legal consultancy services during impact to public health assessment procedure.
Construction of repair workshop building Naujoji uosto str. 23 in Klaipeda port territory, EIA screening
Reconstruction of Audejas industrial territory Drujos str. 2 to commercial centre, EIA screening
Construction of commercial refrigeration equipment production plant in Vilnius, EIA screening
Construction of electronic components and air filters production plant in Vilnius, EIA screening
Environmental due diligence of wind parks during acquisition of 17 wind energy parks with total 287 MW in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. EDD of 5 onshore and 1 offshore wind parks projects in Lithuania: review of development consents (EIA, Impact to Public Health Assessment), environmental conditions and obligations, sanitary protection zones, monitoring obligations, construction permits, risk identifications (buyer). Environmental expert.
Reconstruction Kaunas Song Walley, EIA screening, Natura 2000 significance assessment
Impact to Public Health Assessment of newly constructed KG Construction production plant in Vilnius. Establishment of sanitary protection zone.
Environmental expert. Environmental and legal due diligence of Vilnius 3rd power plant. Identifications of environmental responsibilities and obligations for power plant operation, suspension and dismantling scenarios.
Development of underground water extraction capacity in Amilina plant in Panevezys. Environmental Consultancy, EIA screening.
Study “Enhancement capacity of financial instruments application in consistency with other forms of public intervention”. Environmental expert. The overall objective of the services is to enhance the capacity of Lithuanian and Croatian public institutions to use financial instruments to deal with market failures in public sector and do it in consistency with other forms of public interventions. Following sectors were covered by the Study: water supply/sewage, solid waste management, energy and energy efficiency, transport and communications, culture and tourism, urban regeneration and revitalization, health care, education and science, social care.
Strategic Environmental Assessment of Lithuanian National Energy Strategy. Project manager, SEA expert. SEA scoping and SEA report preparation, public hearing and consultation, consultations with competent authorities.
Environmental expert, Lithuanian National Plan for Power and Natural Gas Distribution Networks Development, SEA.
Environmental Monitoring and Management Plan for the Gas Interconnection Poland-Lithuania (GIPL) in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania. Project Manager. The Gas Interconnection Poland-Lithuania (GIPL) project is a part of the European Union’s project of common-interest (PCI), which is implemented by AB Amber Grid together with the Polish transmission system operators GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. The purpose of the GIPL project is to integrate the gas markets of the Baltic States into a single EU gas market, to diversify the gas supply sources, and to improve the gas supply safety. The total projected length of GIPL is 522 km, the 700 mm diameter gas transmission pipeline will connect gas compressor stations in Jauniūnai (Lithuania) and Rembelszczyzna (near Warsaw in Poland). The projected length of GIPL is approximately 357 km will be in the territory of Poland, and approximately 165 km will be in the territory of Lithuania. Provided services: preparation of Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan in the territory of Lithuania (165 km). Monitoring Plan includes monitoring during construction and 4 years after project implementation, including river banks, soil, landscape and biodiversity monitoring -birds, fish, habitats and vegetation, herpetofauna and insects is monitored.
Consultancy services for establishment 20 MW biomass thermal power project near Chak Jhumra Faisalabad. EIA expert. Preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plan.
Contract Manager. Downstream Flexibility, Price Flexibility, Demand Response and Smart Metering Study. Services provided under DG ENER's Framework Contract ENER/A4/516/2014 for Impact Assessment and Evaluation (ex-ante, intermediate and ex-post). The potential policies examined in this study aim to fully exploit the demand response potential of the industrial, commercial and residential sectors in order to improve the economic efficiency of electricity consumption in the context of increased intermittent generation and new energy technologies.
Project manager, environmental expert. EIA for Rapsoila biodiesel production plant in Mazeikiai district, Lithuania. Main production - biodiesel Fatty Acid Methyl Ester 30.000 t/a. Air emissions, noise and odour calculations and modelling with "Aermod Breeze ISC ", CadnA, risk assessment. EIA scoping, report, public hearing and approval.
Environment protection measures and monitoring plan preparation and execution for open-cut construction of the main gas pipeline Klaipeda-Kursenai section PK 122+90 – PK 129+00 across the Natura 2000 area Minija river. Project Manager. The Environment protection measures and monitoring plan determines the key principles, procedures and methods to be executed for the purpose of monitoring and control, and minimisation of adverse impact of construction activities on the environment and securing of proper accomplishment of all related Contractor’s obligations and adverse environmental impact minimisation measures. Monitoring plan and field inspection included such aspects as river banks, protected biodiversity, waste management, pollution control.
Project manager, environmental expert. EIA screening for modernisation and development of agriculture object, including new 5 MW biofuel boiler, 3 MW natural gas boiler, and small CHP plant. Air emissions modelling.
Contract Manager. Long term consulting services in the area of noise management. Noise modelling using SoundPlan programme on demand, evaluation of foreseen build up project, new boiler house project, noise reduction measures selection.
Long term environmental consultancy services for 4 hazardous waste management sites, hazardous waste landfill, hazardous waste incineration plant – preparation and updating of IPPC permits, decommissioning plans, operations manuals, EIA, consultations with competent authority.
Impact on Public Health Assessment for biofuel and natural gas boiler (8,6 MW). Noise and air pollution modelling, identification of sanitary protection zone.
Project Manager. Following services has been provided for IKEA INDUSTRY Plant in Kazlų Rūda: inventory of noise sources, measurements in the site, noise modelling using SoundPlan programme, evaluation of foreseen build up, noise reduction measures selection.
Project Manager. Impact on Public Health Assessment for 2 boiler houses of Skuodo Siluma. Air emissions and noise modelling, using CadnaA and Aermod Breeze ISC model. selection of sanitary protection zone limits, impact to public health report preparation and procedures.
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument 2014-2020 Cross Border Cooperation Programme Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus.
Project Manager. New wind farm in Lazdijai district. Modelling of installation places and wind shading, EIA screening, impact to public health assessment and sanitary protection zone establishment.
Contract Manager. CO2 verification report for Ignalina NPP.
Project Manager, environmental expert. Environmental Due Diligence of 21 agriculture, fertilize and grain production companies in Lithuania. Site visits, environmental risks and costs identification, recommendations, EDD report preparation.
Project Manager. Ex-ante evaluation and SEA for Lithuania Poland Cross border Cooperation Programme for 2014-2020.
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the main natural gas pipeline Klaipeda-Kursenai. Planned gas pipeline of 110 km, DN800. Position: project manager, environmental expert. EIA report was prepared by more than 20 various environmental experts’ scientist. EIA report includes 110 km field investigations of protected, Natura 2000 areas and cultural heritage; landscape, geology, fauna and flora, water bodies, public health assessment, noise modelling, risk assessment, monitoring plan, 12 public hearing meetings, consultations with public, EIA approval in 5 municipalities total with 17 authorities.
EIA for hazardous waste management activities: new hazardous waste landfill, 9000 t/a, expansion of the existing hazardous waste storage site, hazardous waste incineration plant (8000 t/a). Project Manager, environmental expert.
Expert services: technical and related economic, environmental and legal consultancy services during the procurement of Vilnius City street lighting network renovation and operation services (PPP tender). Project Manager, environmental expert.
Project Manager. Demolition project of 6 ha Skaiteks factory in Vilnius old town (Paupys district). Project Manager. Environmental part of demolition project, noise modelling, environmental impact assessment.
Feasibility Study for Vilnius Waste to Energy plant (Heat only boiler, 50 MWth, fuel MSW+SRF 200 kt/a), environmental part. National and EU environmental requirements for Municipal solid waste incineration.
Environmental Due Diligence has been carried out for Alita and Anyksciu vynas production plants in Lithuania. Services comprised of: site visits and reconnaissance, environmental documentation and permits review and commenting, assessment of site’s geology, hydrogeology and hydrology conditions, interviews with responsible environmental and municipal authorities, environmental risk and costs assessment and Report preparation. Completed Phase I and Phase II EDD.
EIA Screening material preparation for Inkaras and Noreikiskes boiler plant modernisation. Natura 2000 screening material for Noreikiskes boiler plant.
Municipal biodegradable waste management infrastructure development in Utena region. Position: Project manager. Feasibility study preparation and technical alternative selection for Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) plant with RDF and biogas production, EIA, application for EU Cohesion fund, cost benefit analysis, pre-engineering and technical concept, tender documents preparation for Contractor selection according FIDIC contract conditions.
New 45 MW wind farm in Mazeikiai district: EIA screening and Natura 2000 territory assessment.
Consultancy services for Kaunas Co-generation plant: Analysis of new Directive Environmental requirements after 2016 and related investments demand in Kaunas Co-generation plant, CO2 costs evaluation for the new period after 2013.
Consultancy services for waste management company tendering and selection for hazardous ash management from Klaipeda waste to energy plant.
Evaluation of environmental requirements implementation in EU structural funds projects. The evaluation was performed in the level of Structural funding 2007-2013 programme, priority, measure, projects and covers more than 3000 projects in Lithuania.
Installation of 5th additional hydro aggregate (250 MW turbine): EIA screening procedures, Natura 2000 impact assessment for Kruonis Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Plant, including detailed dendrology, bird’s species, and fish studies.
Feasibility Study for wastewater treatment methods and recommendations for 200 -800 households’ settlements and for Nemunas river safety zone (500m.) settlements within Alytus county.
EIA screening report and protected areas "Natura 2000" screening material preparation for the new heating pipe in Jonava town, EIA screening for the new heating pipe between Elektrenai and Vievis.
Expertise of the Environment Impact Assessment Report for the new nuclear power plant in Lithuania. Project manager, services comprises of: radiological testing calculations, expertise report and comments on EIA report preparation, corrections and amendments in EIA report review and approval.
Special Territory Plan for the water supply and wastewater management sector development in Sakiai district and Kazlu Ruda municipalities. SEA screening.
Technical DD for non-finished boiler plant. Initial environmental assessment of the required environmental licencing prospects for unfinished boiler plant.
Preparation of Special Plan for Druskininkai Municipality heating system. SEA
Environmental Due Diligence has been carried out during transaction of sugar production plants in Panevezys and Kedainiai, Lithuania.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the new Klaipeda Combined Heat Plant (biofuel and municipal waste). 50 MWth, 20 MWel. Position: project manager. Scoping and EIA report preparation, coordination and agreements with Competent Authorities, public information procedures.
Feasibility study and preliminary design for EU funded project: Modernisation of Bialystok - Sokólka Railway Line (Rail Baltica line). Position: EIA expert, project manager for environmental part.
Environmental Due Diligence assessment for Coca-Cola company Alytus plant. Position: Environmental expert.
EU Framework projects under LOT 6: Environment (EuropeAid//119860/C/SV/multi). Project manager for following projects: - Technical Assistance for international tendering procedures for the Montana (Bulgaria) wastewater collection and treatment. Assistance in tender’s evaluation following FIDIC and PRAG requirements for WWTP design and construction works; - Technical Assistance for project preparation in the water sector-Group A: Bourgas, Gabrovo, Kyustendil, Rousse, Sliven and Vratza regional water companies in Bulgaria;
Technical Assistance to Lithuanian Railways modernization: Feasibility Study for Kena- Vilnius - Kaisiadorys - Kaunas - Kybartai section. Position: EIA expert.
Technical Assistance to Lithuanian Railways modernization: Feasibility Study for Kaisiadorys -Radviliskis - Siauliai - Klaipeda and Siauliai - Joniskis - state border. Position: EIA expert. Preparation of EIA Screening reports, environmental part for Feasibility Study, EU Cohesion Fund Application, Natura 2000 declarations, environmental requirements for tender documents.
Feasibility Study and Organizational Framework for the I Package Nemunas Lowland River basin Master plan. Position: EIA expert, project manager. Preparation of EIA screening information for 13 water infrastructure objects (WWTP, water treatment, sludge management, wastewater collection networks), Cohesion Fund Application.
Panevezys Regional Waste Management System Development: Feasibility Study, EU Cohesion fund application, preliminary design. Position: Project coordinator, EIA specialist. Environmental Impact Assessment report preparation for 5 amenity sites, 5 waste composting sites and 2 waste transfer stations, public consultations, collection of approvals from competent authority and interested parties.
Neris River basin master plan. The project concept is to establish a 10 year Master Plan for the improvement of water management in the Neris Basin area, comprising a prioritised schedule of investments designed to meet the requirements of the EC Urban Wastewater Directive 91/271 by 31/12/2009. Position: Environmental specialist.